LiveGlam: Legit or scam? Part 2 - Professional discounts

Please refer to your country's laws and regulations on becoming a professional makeup artist as each country's laws are different. Some countries require a professional license and some don't. This blog post is based on US laws and regulations.

Yesterday I blogged about whether or not LiveGlam was a scam or not. In short the answer is yes for a plethora of reasons including targeting minors to sign up for this $295 series of videos to become a "certified professional makeup artist" for the purpose of getting professional discounts. LiveGlam makes it clear on their site that by "getting LiveGlam certified" you can get pro discounts. They're not out to teach you the real ins and outs of being a real makeup artist, it's all about getting a useless certificate in order to fraudulently get discounts from companies. It's plastered all over the LiveGlam site that you'll get professional discounts with the companies they list. The certificates that companies look at are from ACCREDITED schools like MUD, MUFE, Westmore Academy, film schools, special effects schools not "certificates" from social media personalities who are "teaching" people at seminars and "classes" like LiveGlam.

When I first heard about LiveGlam I reached out to my friends at Frends Beauty and Camera Ready Cosmetics and asked if the LiveGlam "certificate" would be accepted and was told NO. I also know that companies like OPI will NOT offer a pro discount to unlicensed professionals so this so-called "certificate"/"diploma" is worthless. A makeup artist that I know reached out on Twitter to several companies and Cover FX has also stated that they will not accept the LiveGlam certificate. If you're only interested in LiveGlam's "certificate" for discounts with these companies don't waste your money because you'll be told "NO" by those companies. It's only a matter of time before the majority of these companies - if not all - will realize their names are being used for this scam. If you don't want to heed my warning but all means shell out $295 per year on that so-called "diploma".

Another way to tell that LiveGlam is a SCAM is due to the fact that in the US minors (under the age of 18) cannot enter any type of contract without written parent or guardian permission. I guess that's why LiveGlam "encourages" those under the age of 18 to sign up under someone else's name. Also keep in mind that some companies will not allow a person to sign up for a pro account if you're under the age of 18. Did you notice that all over the site they call it a "certificate" then in their FAQs it's a "diploma"? They can't issue a diploma because they're not a real school! I wonder what the State of California business license, Board of Cosmetology and Board of Education has to say about this scam?

So do you want to know how to get those professional discounts without wasting $295? It's simple, look up the requirements for the company you want a discount with and work your way to earning the credentials needs. A composite card is of your work, don't use someone else's work on it because you'll be found out and blackballed. Don't know where to start? We all started somewhere and selfies won't cut it if you want to be a pro. Work on your sister, mother, aunt, grandmother, neighbor, teacher, friends. Ask people you know if they know anyone who would like to get their makeup done for free and build your skills. Take photos but make sure the pictures are quality not selfie quality. Don't use filters on those photos because if the pictures look flawless and in reality you have a client whose look isn't meeting that well you'll gain a bad reputation fast. If you want to start charging look around at your market to see what REAL pros are charging and it's not going to be $25, $35 or even $50. Most importantly don't undercut other makeup artists in your area with a $25, $35 or even a $50 face. Eventually you'll gain the credentials to legitimately earn those pro discounts.
